At Dreamland, your child’s safety is our top priority

Dreamland Safety Meausurements

At Dreamland Preschool, the safety and security of our children, staff, and families are our top priorities. We have implemented comprehensive measures to ensure a secure environment where children can thrive and parents can feel confident in their child’s well-being. Here’s a quick look at our key security measures:


  • Secure Entrances and Exits: Controlled access with sign-in/sign-out procedures to ensure authorized entry only.
  • Surveillance: Security cameras monitor key areas and entrances.
  • Background Checks: All staff undergo thorough background screenings and are approved by childcare licensing.
  • Staff Training: Staff are trained in CPR, first aid, emergency procedures, and child protection.


  • Emergency Plans: Documented plans for fires, natural disasters, lockdowns, and medical emergencies.
  • Drills: Regular fire and lockdown drills.
  • First Aid: Accessible and well-stocked first aid kits throughout the facility.


  • Supervision Ratios: Close monitoring of child-to-staff ratios for adequate supervision.
  • Attendance Tracking: Regular headcounts and attendance checks.
  • Safe Play Areas: Designated areas with age-appropriate equipment.


  • Food Allergies: Detailed records of food allergies and dietary restrictions.
  • Safe Meal Preparation: Hygienic preparation and storage following food safety guidelines.
  • Healthy Menus: Nutritious and balanced meals provided.


  • Parent Notifications: Prompt communication about incidents, illnesses, or emergencies.
  • Open Communication: Regular updates via our parent engagement app and monthly phone conferences. Open Door policy for parents to visit anytime.

At Dreamland Preschool, we are dedicated to creating a safe, secure, and nurturing environment for every child. Our commitment to these safety measures ensures that your child is in good hands while they explore, learn, and grow. Thank you for trusting us with your child’s care.

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